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NCL Quicklook : An easy data visualization tool

It is a simple tool to have an easy visualization of atmospheric data. Which shows the output in X11 window with single command. Quicklook comes as a part of NCL version 6.4 onwards.

Installation can be done by installing ncl using conda

conda create -n ncl_stable -c conda-forge ncl
 this will create a conda enivronment. We need to activate the envrionment we created
by entering the following command
source activate ncl_stable
Conda environment for ncl is ready by now. Then you can go to your working directory
where you have the data, then run ncl_quicklook command,


More options are available: ncl_quicklook -v var -t time_index -lev level -pltype plot_type -o
output_format -cmap color_map -region sub-region -cont cmin,cmax,cint
 -animate -gif -addCyclic logical -savescript input-file
